Theories & Models 100 PYQS MOCK TEST 4 FOR NTA UGC NET

Theories & Models 100 PYQS MOCK TEST 4 FOR NTA UGC NET

Theories & Models 100 PYQS Mock Test 4 NTA UGC NET, Theories & Models 100 PYQS ,Theories & Models 100 PYQS  Mock Test 4,Theories & Models 100 PYQS MOCK TEST, Theories & Models 100 PYQS GEOGRAPHY, Theories & Models 100 PYQS MCQS Mock Test 4, GEOGRAPHY PYQS UGC NET, NTA UGC NET GEOGRAPHY PAPER WISE PYQS, PYQS FOR UGC NET GEOGRAPHY,

Theories & Models 100 PYQS Mock Test for NTA UGC NET & States SET/SLET Exam, This is the Part 4 of this series.

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1 / 15

Q.43. Which one of the following code is correctly depicting the pattern of distribution of population among cities by ‘d’ curve in the given graph?


(1) Primate

(2 Stepped order

(3) Binary

(4) Rank Size Rule

2 / 15

Q.44. Which one of the following statements indicates to the potential use of a service at a location according to Gravity Model?

(1) Direct relationship to both population size and distance

(2) Inverse relationship to both population size and distance

(3) Direct relationship to both population size and inverse relationship to distance

(4) Direct relationship to distance and inverse relationship to population

3 / 15

Q.45. Among the following scholars, who introduced the concept of ‘Least-Transport-Cost Location’ using the frame of ‘Location triangle’?

(1) W.Isard

(2) M.K Bandman

(3) D.M. Smith

(4) A. Weber

4 / 15

Q.46. Which one of the following conditions Alfred Weber introduced in his concept of ‘Locational Triangle’?

(1) Both ‘R1’ and ‘R2’ are found universally

(2) ‘R1’ is fixed but ‘R2’ is found everywhere and both are pure

(3) Both ‘R1’ and R2 are fixed and pure

(4) Both ‘R1’ and ‘R2’ are fixed and gross

5 / 15

Q.47. The Rimmer model for the development of land transport system in less developed economics was proposed in which of the following years?

(1) 1975

(2) 1976

(3) 1977

(4) 1978

6 / 15

Q.48. Which one of the following statements is very correct in context of the concept of Growth pole and growth centres?

(1) Both the Growth pole and Growth centres are uniformly distanced in the region.

(2) Lower order Growth centers are located quite far away as compared to higher order Growth centres.

(3) Higher order Growth centres are located far away while lower order Growth centres are located closer to one and another.

(4) There does not exist any rule in the distance between Growth pole and Growth centres.

7 / 15

Q.49. Which one of the following principles denotes K-4 of Christaller’s Model of central places?

 (1) Market

(2) Administrative

(3) Transport

(4) Economic

8 / 15

Q.50. Which one of the following was not assured by weber in his least-cost theory?

(1) Agglomeration economies lead to high transport and labour cost

(2) Labour is infinitely available

(3) Location with high transport costs may be attractive because of a cheap labour supply

(4) Transport costs were uniform by distance and weight in any direction

9 / 15

Q.51. Which one of the following is not included in the Ravenstein’s Laws of migration?

(1) Most migrants proceeds step by step

(2) Most migrants go for short distance

(3) Most migrants move from Urban to Rural area

(4) Most migrant are adults

10 / 15

Q.52. Which ONE of the following is not in conformity with the central place theory?

(1) Central place is a settlement providing services for the population of its hinterland.

(2) Hierarchy and nesting pattern results in maximum number of central places

(3) Ubiquities and localized raw materials

(4) Market areas for different goods resemble nets of hexagons

11 / 15

Q.53. Match List-I with List–II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List-I (Terms) List-II (Description)
I. Material indexA. ratio of the labour cost per unit of product to the locational weight of that unit
II. IsodapanesB. Advantage of production due to the concentration of industry
III. Labour Co-efficientC. Weight of localized material and the weight of the product
IV. AgglomerationD. Lines of equal transport costs per tonne



  1. C D A B
  2. D C B A
  3. D B C A
  4. B D A C

12 / 15

Q.54. The gravity principle in identification of nodal regions states that the interaction between two geographical points is directly related to their

(1) Distance

(2) Masses

(3) Size of settlement

(4) Mode of transport

13 / 15

Q.55. Which one of the following letters represent the total number of settlements of a certain order served by a central place of the next higher order?

  1. K
  2. J
  3. L
  4. F

14 / 15

Q.56. The rule “size of population of nth ranking town in a region will be 1/nth of the largest city in terms of population’’ was given by:

  1. Mark Jefferson
  2. J. Gattman
  3. G. K Zipf
  4. C. D Harris and E. L Ullman

15 / 15

Q.57. Who among the following is credited with incorporation of concept of geographical space in the Growth Pole Theory?

  1. Myrdal
  2. Haggerstrand
  3. Boudeville
  4. Friedman

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Click Here to Download the PDF OF Theories & Models 100 PYQS Mock Test 4


Theories and Models in Geography

Part 1- Geomorphology –  Uniformitarianism, Isostasy, Continental Drift Theory, Cavern Formation Theory

Part 2- Climatology – Rainfall Formation Theories, Climatic Classification of Koeppen’s & Thronthwaite’s

Part 2- Oceanography – Theories of Coral Formation, Theories of Origin of Tides

Part 3- Agricultural Geography- Von Thunen’s Model of Land Use, Whittlesey Classification

Part 3- Economic Geography-  Industrial Location Theory by Alfred Weber

Part 3- Regional Planning & Development – Economic Growth Model of Rostow, Gunnar Myrdal, O Hirschman, John Friedman, Francois Perroux, Planning Process of MacKaye, Planning Regions of V. Nath, Bhat & Rao, Sen Gupta & Chandrasekhara

Part 4- Population Geography – Population Resource Regions – Ackerman, Theories of Population Growth- Malthusian Theory of Population, Demographic Transition Theory, Theory of Migration- Ravenstein’s Laws, Zelinsky, Push & Pull Theory

Part 5- Settlement and Urban Geography-  CENTRAL PLACE THEORY, Economic Location Theory of August Losch, Theories of Urban Urban Morphology- E.W. Burgess, Homer Hoyt, C.D Harris & E.L Ullman

Part 6- Political Geography- Heartland Theory, Rimland Theory

Part 6- Geographical Thought- Philosophical Approaches – Positivism, Pragmatism, Idealism, Realism, New or Critical Realism, Phenomenology, Radicalism, Behaviouralism, Welfare Approach

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