So, This is the official Questions Paper  and Answer Key for the paper 2 geography conducted on June 2019, taken from 

Note: This paper contains 100 multiple choice questions, each questions carrying two (2) marks. Attempt all of them.

(PDF) For download pdf file of question paper go to the bottom of this post.

Q.1. The ideal time of the day to obtain aerial photograph is

(1) When the sun is low oblique (before and after noon)

(2) When the sun is high oblique (morning and evening)

(3) When the sun is almost vertical (at noon)

(4) Any time of the day                                                

Answer: 1


Q.2. Which of the following type of weathering is generally dominant in Greater Himalays?

(1) Block disintegration

(2) Scree formation

(3) Exfoliation

(4) Granular disintegration

Answer: 1


Q.3. Match List-I with List-II List-I (Number of settlements of different orders of  Walter Christaller)

(a) 6, 42, 294                                

(b) 128, 512, 2048                       

(c) 27, 351, 4563                        

(d) 1, 3, 9     

List-II (K- value)

(i) K = 3

(ii) K = 7

(iii) K = 4

(iv) K = 13

Choose the correct option from those given below:

(1). (a)- (iv); (b)-(i); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iii)

(2). (a)-(ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(i)

(3). (a)-(ii); (b)-(i); (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv)

(4). (a)-(iii); (b)-(iv), (c)-(i); (d)-(ii)

Answer: 2


Q.4. Which one of the following books was not written by Al-Masudi?

(1) Kitab-Muraj-al-Dhahab

(2) Kitab-Akhbar-al-Zaman

(3) Al-Qanun-al-Masudi

(4) Kitab-al-Ausat

Answer: 3


Q.5. Which one of the scales of measurement refers to tornado severity and damage? UGC NET JUNE 2019

(1). Saffir-Simpson scale

(2). Beaufort scale

(3). Fujita scale

(4). Richter Scale

Answer: 3


Q.6. Consider the following statements regarding air mass characteristics:

(a) An extensive body of air

(b) Fairly homogenous physical properties

(c) Associated with light divergent winds

(d) Associated with the convergence zones

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(1). (a) and (b) are correct

(2). (c) and (d) are correct

(3). (b), (c) and (d) are correct

(4). (a), (b) and (c) are correct

Answer: 4


Q.7. Which one of the following comprises the largest reservoir of the earth’s oxygen?

(1) Lithosphere

(2) Atmosphere

(3) Hydrosphere

(4) Biosphere

Answer: 1


Q.8. From the given transport graph, calculate ‘Beta-Index’:

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(1)  1.5

(2) 3.0

(3) 2.0

(4) 1.0

Answer: 3


Q.9. Which one of the following is not responsible for the origin of urban heat islands?

(1) High wind speed

(2) Atmospheric pollution

(3) City buildings

(4) Central heating system of cities.

Answer: 1


Q.10. Which of the following elements of image interpretation is most appropriate for identifying alluvial fans and meanders on any aerial photograph?

(1) Size

(2) Shape

(3) Tone

(4) Texture

Answer: 2


Q.11. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Panchayati Raj Institutions have 3-tier systems in planning and executing development projects within their jurisdictions.

Reasons (R): Panchayati Raj Act empowered local bodies participation in planning process.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false

(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(4) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Answer: 3


Q.12. El Nino Southern Oscillation (Enso) is an

(1) Ocean process

(2) Atmospheric process

(3) Ocean-atmospheric process

(4) Ocean-atmosphere-land process

Answer: 3


Q.13. In D.M Smith’s theoretical model of the spatial margins to profitability, if cost is constant, the space-revenue curve would be

(1) V-shaped

(2) A-shaped

(3) S-shaped

(4) Rectangular

Answer: 2


Q.14. Consider the following features related to glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF):  

(a) Involve sudden release of melt water

(b) Failure of moraine and ice dam

(c) Large downstream discharge causing floods

(d) Rapid event casting for few seconds

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (a) and (b) are correct

(2) (c) and (d) are correct

(3) (a), (b) and (c) are correct

(4) (b), (c) and (d) are correct

Answer: 3


Q.15. In which frontal stage warm air uplifted and is cooled, condensed and precipitated?

(1) Stationary front

(2) Warm front

(3) Cold front

(4) Occluded front

Answer: 3


Q.16. Select the following Himalayan ranges in the State of Jammu and Kashmir in descending order in terms of average altitude from sea level:

(1) Zanskar, Pir Panjal, Ladakh, Karakoram

(2) Karakoram, Ladakh, Zanskar, Pir Panjal

(3) Pir Panjal, Karakoram, Ladakh, Zanskar

(4) Ladakh, Karakoram, Pir Panjal, Zanskar

Answer: 2

Q.17. Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Proponent)  

(a) Schaefer              

(b) James Lovelock 

(c) O.H.K Spate    

(d) Gidden

List-II (Philosophy)  

(i) Gainism

(ii) Structuralism

(iii) Exceptionalism

(iv) Probabilism

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

(1). (a)- (ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(i); (d)-(iv)

(2). (a)-(i); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(iii)

(3). (a)-(iii); (b)-(i); (c)-(iv); (d)-(ii)

(4). (a)-(iii); (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii); (d)-(i)

Answer: 3


Q.18. Which of the following rivers divides Indian peninsula intro Malwa and Decan Plateau?

(1) Godavari

(2) Mahanadi

(3) Narmada

(4) Mahi

Answer: 3


Q.19. Arrange the following components of ‘quality of life’ used by the Berlin Centre for Future Research in decreasing weightage:  

(a) Physical

(b) Mental

(c) Material

(d) Spiritual

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

(1). (d), (c), (a), (b)

(2). (c), (d), (b), (a)

(3). (b), (a), (d), (c)

(4). (a), (b), (c), (d)

Answer: 3


Q.20. Which continent has the maximum number of member countries of OPEC?

(1). Asia

(2). South America

(3). Africa

(4). Europe

Answer: 3

Q.21. Functional region delineated on the basis of which of the following characteristics?

(1) Transport intensity and commodity flow intensity

(2) Commodity flow intensity and river basin

(3) Physical features and population characteristics

(4) Agricultural intensity and rainfall pattern.

Answer: 1


Q.22. The Ramsar Convention is related to which one of the following?

(1) Ozone depletion

(2) Desertification

(3) Wetlands

(4) Greenhouse gas emission

Answer: 3


Q.23. Which one the following statements is true for Sadler’s theory of population growth?

(1) Increase in human population and food supply are inversely related

(2). Human population increases in geometrical progression while food supply increases in arithmetic progression

(3). Sadler’s theory of population growth belongs to the economic theories of population growth

(4). Human fertility varies inversely with population density

Answer: 4

Q.24. Who among the following proposed the core-periphery model of economic development?

(1) Rostow

(2) Friedman

(3) Myrdal

(4) Harschman

Answer: 2


Q.25. Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Subject)

(a) Apiculture

(b) Olerixulture

(c) Pomology       

(d) Viticulture

List-II (Object)

(i) Fruits

(ii) Grapevine

(iii) Kitchen herbs

(iv) Bee

Choose the correct option from those given below:

(1). (a)- (i); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv)

(2). (a)-(ii); (b)-(i); (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv)

(3). (a)-(iv); (b)-(iii); (c)-(i); (d)-(ii)

(4). (a)-(iii); (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv); (d)-(i)

Answer: 3


Q.26 Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Proponent)                                 

(a) Ritter                                   

(b) Ptolemy                              

(c) Strabo                                 

(d) Hippocrates

List-II (Philosophy)

(i) On Air, Water, Places

(ii) Geographia

(iii) Almagast

(iv) Erdkunde


Select the correct answer from the options given below:

(1). (a)- (ii); (b)-(i); (c)-(iv); (d)-(iii)

(2). (a)-(iv); (b)-(iii); (c)-(ii); (d)-(i)

(3). (a)-(i); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv)

(4). (a)-(iv); (b)-(i), (c)-(ii); (d)-(iii)

Answer: 2


Q.27. D. Whittlessey divided the whole world into how many types of agricultural region?

(1) 12

(2) 13

(3) 115

(4) 18

Answer: 2


Q.28. La Nina phenomenon is due to which of the following conditions?

(1) Air pressure dropping over central and eastern Pacific Ocean

(2) Weak high pressure system replacing normal pressure over western Pacific

(3) An abnormal accumulation of cold water in central and eastern Pacifc resulting into very strong trade winds

(4) The trade winds over the Pacific Ocean move strongly from west to east

Answer: 3


Q.29. Identify the Indian port which is known as the best natural harbour and has the leading cargo traffic importing petroleum, fertilizer, chemicals and machinery, etc:

(1) Kolkata

(2) Chennai

(3) New tuticorin

(4) Vishakhapatnam

Answer: 4


Q.30. Which one of the following is not matched correctly?

(1) Homeostatic mechanism : Inbuilt self-regulating mechanism in natural ecosystems to counterbalance any change in the ecosystem to maintain ecological stability

(2) Synecology :  Study of complex interrelationships between biological communities

(3) Net Primary Production : Amount of energy or organic matter stored at trophic level one

(4) Deep Ecology : Environmentalism based on anthropocentric point of view

Answer: 4


Q.31. Which one of the following is less important determinant for the electoral behaviour in India?

(1) Caste

(2) Education of a candidate

(3) Religion and language

(4) Money Power

Answer: 2


Q.32. Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Petroleum Producing Centers)

(a) Alwand                                    

(b) Agha Jari                                

(c) Sinai Peninsula                       

(d) Minas                                    



(i) Iraq

(ii) Egypt

(iii) Iran

(iv) Indonesia

Choose the correct option from those given below:

(1). (a)- (i); (b)-(iii); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iv)

(2). (a)-(ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(i)

(3). (a)-(iii); (b)-(ii); (c)-(i); (d)-(iv)

(4). (a)-(iv); (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii); (d)-(i)

Answer: 1


Q.33. Ekman transport occurs in the  

(1) Upper ocean

(2) Meso-pelagic layer

(3) Bathy- pelagic layer

(4) Ocean bottom

Answer: 1


Q.34. As per Edward Ullman’s mode of transport system, which one of the following describes complementarity?

(1) Demand and supply of a product between regions

(2) Cost of movement of a product between regions

(3) Availability of a product in a region

(4) Non-availability of a product in a region

Answer: 1


Q.35. Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Geomorphic Hazards)

(a) Faulting

(b) Vulcanicity

(c) Hydrostatic pressure

(d) Plate movement

List-II (Areas of Occurrence)

(i) krakatos Earthquake (1883)

(ii) Greece Earthquake (1931)

(iii) Gujarat Earthquake (2001)

(iv) California Earthquake (1906)

Choose the correct option from those given below:

(1) (a)- (ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(i)

(2) (a)-(i); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv)

(3) (a)-(iii); (b)-(iv); (c)-(i); (d)-(ii)

(4) (a)-(iv); (b)-(i), (c)-(ii); (d)-(iii)

Answer: 4


Q.36. Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Resource) 

(a) Iron ore      

(b) Diamond      

(c) Coal    

(d) Geothermal energy  

List-II (Region)

(i) Panna district

(ii) Jharia

(iii) Bababudan Hills

(iv) Puga Valley

Choose the correct option from those given below:

(1). (a)- (iv); (b)-(i); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iii)

(2). (a)-(i); (b)-(iii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(ii)

(3). (a)-(ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(i)

(4). (a)-(iii); (b)-(i), (c)-(ii); (d)-(iv)

Answer: 4


Q.37. The difference between mean temperature of any place and the mean temperature of its latitude is called as

(1) Temperature anomaly

(2) Inversion of temperature

(3) Temperature gradient

(4) Temperature rise

Answer: 1

Q.38. Given below are two statement. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) (

Assertion (A): Higher salinity is found between 200 – 400 latitudes.

Reason (R): Salinity decrease from the mid latitudes to high latitudes.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(1). Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2). Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3). (A) is false, but (R) is true

(4). (A) is true, but (R) is false

Answer: 2


Q.39. Which of the following avalanches are most destructive in nature?

(1) Loose snow

(2) Slab

(3) Powder snow

(4) Wet snow

Answer: 2


Q.40. The following temperature data were recorded at Station A:

Range of Temperature (0C)      No. of Days

10-20                                             6

20-30                                            20

30-40                                             5

Which of the following options exhibiting mean monthly temperature is correct?

(1) 30

(2) 25

(3) 20

(4) 15

Answer: 2


Q.41. Select among the following groups of States of India in descending order having high concentration of population distribution according to Census 2011 data:

(1) Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal

(2) Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu

(3) Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Bihar

(4) Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, West Bengal

Answer: 1


Q.42. Chi square test’ measures which of the following?  

(1) Mean deviation

(2) Goodness of fit

(3) Trend

(4) Variation

Answer: 2


Q.43. Identify the river of India which has the following characteristics?

(a) It originates from the Amarkantak plateau

(b) It is a tributary of Ganga river

(c) During summer months, it has little water

(1)  Narmada

(2) Son

(3) Ramganga

(4) Kosi

Answer: 2


Q.44. The densest sea water is the

(1) Arctic bottom water

(2) North Pacific bottom water

(3) Antarctic bottom Water

(4) North Atlantic deep water

Answer: 3


Q.45 Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Synonyms of Shifting Cultivation in India)

(a) Jhum                              

(b) Kumari                         

(c) Watra                            

(d) Podu 

List-II (Philosophy)

(i) South-East Rajasthan

(ii) North-East India

(iii) Andhra Pradesh

(iv) Western Ghats

Choose the correct option from those given below:

(1). (a)- (i); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv)

(2). (a)-(ii); (b)-(iv); (c)-(i); (d)-(iii)

(3). (a)-(iii); (b)-(i); (c)-(iv); (d)-(ii)

(4). (a)-(iv); (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii); (d)-(i)

Answer: 2


Q.46. T-S diagram helps in determining the formation and extent of

(1) Ocean Currents

(2) Tidal waves

(3) Coral reefs

(4) Water masses

Answer: 4


Q.47. Select from the options given below, correct sequence in increasing order of agricultural intensity among the various States in India:

(1) Maharashtra  Assam  Bihar Uttar Pradesh

(2) Uttar Pradesh    Bihar   Assam  Maharashtra

(3) Assam    Bihar  Uttar Pradesh  Maharashtra

(4) Bihar Assam Maharashtra  Uttar Pradesh

Answer: 1


Q.48. City I has population of 2,00,000 and city II has population of 6,00,000. They are 50 miles apart. Which of the following will be breaking point (BP) boundary marking the outer edge of their respective trade areas according to Reilly’s Law of Retail Gravitation?

(1) 12.5 miles from city I

(2) 45 miles from city II

(3) 28.3 miles from city II

(4) 18.3 miles from city I

Answer: 4


Q.49. In which one of the following places were amendments to the Kyoto Protocol adopted?

(1) Abu Dhabi

(2) Riyadh

(3) Doha

(4) Muscat

Answer: 3


Q.50. Arrange the following States of India in increasing level of urbanization as per the 2011 Census data:

(a) Kerala

(b) Punjab

(c) Goa

(d) Mizoram

(1) b,a,d,c

(2) c,d,a,b

(3) c,b,a,d

(4) d,c,b,a

Answer: 2


Q.51. Which one of the following is NOT matched correctly?

(1) R.E Murphy: Urban Social Area Analysis

(2) M. Jefferson:  Prime City

(3) G. Childe: Theory of Urban Origin

(4) E. Shevky: Study of CBD

Answer: 4


Q.52. San Andreas Fault represents which of the following?  

(1) Benioff zone

(2) Constructive margin of the plate

(3) Destructive margin of the plate

(4) Conservative margin of the plate

Answer: 4


Q.53. Which one of the following countries intends to withdraw from the Paris Agreement?

(1) Neatherlands

(2) Canada

(3) United Kingdom

(4) United States of America

Answer: 4


Q.54. In a fold if both limbs are parallel as well as horizontal to each other, it would be a case of which of the following types of fold?  

(1) Isocline

(2) Recumbent

(3) Open

(4) Closed

Answer: 2


Q.55. As per the National Population of India (2000), which of the following is the target year to achieve a stable population?

(1) 2040

(2) 2045

(3) 2050

(4) 2055

Answer: 2


Q.56. Which one of the following is not matched correctly?

(1) Proto-Australoids : Bhutias

(2) Nordies : Rajputs

(3) Mongoloids : Khasis

(4) Negritoes: Khaddars

Answer: 1


Q.57. The philosophy of positivism DOES NOT believe in

(1) Speculation  

(2) Objectivity

(3) Fact

(4) Truth

Answer: 1


Q.58. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Ritter was a teleologist and had a strong belief in God.

Reason (R): Ritter had a vision of ordered and harmonious universe.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false

(4) (R) is true, but (A) is false



Q.59. Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Soil Categories as per US Dept. of Agricultue)

(a) Antisols 

(b) Inceptisols    

(c) Mollisols

(D) Oxisols     

List-II (Nearest Equivalent)

(i) Brown forest soil

(ii) Chernozem

(iii) Laterite

(iv) Azonal soils

Choose the correct option from those given below:

(1). (a)- (i); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv)

(2). (a)-(iv); (b)-(i); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iii)

(3). (a)-(ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(i)

(4). (a)-(iii); (b)-(iv), (c)-(i); (d)-(ii)

Answer: 2


Q.60. Who among the following Arab geographers is most widely travelled and wrote down his travel account for posterity?

(1) Ibn-Batua

(2) Ibn-Khaldun

(3) Ibn-Hakul

(4) Al-Masudi

Answer: 1


Q.61. The direction of dip in reference of strike is always at which of the following angles?  

(1) Acute angle

(2) Obtuse angle

(3) Right angle

(4) Straight angle

Answer: 3


Q.62. Who among the following was a Roman geographer?  

(1) Hippocrates

(2) Hecataeus

(3) Strabo

(4) Posidonius

Answer: 3


Q.63. A halocline refers to a significant change in

(1) Density

(2) Salinity

(3) Temperature

(4) Turbidity

Answer: 2


Q.64. Which one of the following statements is true for a World city?

(1) A world city is absolutely devoid of any financial institution

(2) A world city is culturally homogenous in nature

(3) A world city is the headquarters of several multinational corporations

(4) A world city is rarely the centre of new ideas and injmovations

Answer: 3


Q.65. Down-warping is produced on account of which of the following actions?

(1) Crustal fracture

(2) Crustal bending

(3) Submergence

(4) Emergence

Answer: 2


Q.66. Which one of the following surfaces produces maximum albedo?

(1) Fresh snow cover

(2) Cloud cover

(3) Forest cover

(4) Desert cover 

Answer: 1


Q.67. Whose work provides the concept of image to geographical studies?

(1) Gilbert White

(2) Julian Wolpert

(3) Kenneth Boulding

(4) Peter Gould

Answer: 3


Q.68. Which one of the following Regional Organizations of Cooperation is the largest in terms of number of member countries?

(1) OPEC



(4) EU

Answer: 4


Q.69. Who amongst the following propounded the ‘Theory of Intervening Opportunities’?

(1) E.G Ravenstein

(2) G.K.Zipf

(3) D.J Bogue

(4) S. Stouffer

Answer: 4


Q.70. Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Ocean Currents)

(a) Labrador

(b) Oyashio

(c) Canary

(d) Benguela

List-II (Location)

(i) West Coast of Morocco

(ii) West Coast of South Africa

(iii) East Coast of Canada

(iv) East Coast of Korea

Choose the correct option from those given below:

(1) (a)- (i); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv)

(2) (a)-(ii); (b)-(i); (c)-(iv); (d)-(iii)

(3) (a)-(iii); (b)-(iv); (c)-(i); (d)-(ii)

(4) (a)-(iv); (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii); (d)-(i)

Answer: 3


Q.71. Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Language Family)                     

(a) Dravidian

(b) Indo-European

(c) Austric

(d) Tibeto-Burman                   

List-II (Specific Language)

(i) Banjari

(ii) Santhali

(iii) Bodo

(iv) Yerukala

Choose the correct option from those given below:

(1) (a)- (iv); (b)-(i); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iii)

(2) (a)-(i); (b)-(iv); (c)-(iii); (d)-(ii)

(3) (a)-(ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(i)

(4) (a)-(iii); (b)-(ii), (c)-(i); (d)-(iv)

Answer: 1


Q.72. Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Local Winds)

(a) Norwester

(b) Yamo

(c) Foehn

(d) Chinook

List-II (Countries)

(i) Switzerland

(ii) New Zealand

(iii) USA

(iv) Japan

Choose the correct option from those given below:

(1) (a)- (iii); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(i)

(2) (a)-(ii); (b)-(iv); (c)-(i); (d)-(iii)

(3) (a)-(i); (b)-(iii); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iv)

(4) (a)-(iv); (b)-(i), (c)-(iii); (d)-(ii)

Answer: 2


Q.73. Which one of the following pairs is not matched correctly?

(1) Julian Wolpert: Behavioural approach

(2) Aristotle: Inductive approach

(3) Ratzel: Man-land approach

(4) David Smith: Marxist perpective

Answer: 4


Q.74. Which of the following is not a part of Circum-Pacific Volcanic belt?

(1) Aleutian islands

(2) Mindanao island

(3) Azores islands

(4) Sakhalin island

Answer: 3

Q.75.  The constructive margin of lithospheric plates is presented by which of the following?

(1) Ural mountains

(2) Mariana trench

(3) Indo-Gangetic plain

(4) Mid-Atlantic ridge

Answer: 4


Q.76. In Drewnowski’s conceptual framework of the need satisfaction curve, the lowest level of living indicates which state of well-being?

(1) Insuffciency

(2) Affluence

(3) Sufficiency

(4) Destituion

Answer: 4


Q.77. The Sustainable-Development Goals comprises of how many goals and targets?

(1) 17 goals and 132 targets

(2) 17 goals and 169 targets

(3) 15 goals and 123 targets

(4) 10 goals and 115 targets

Answer: 2


Q.78. Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Local Weather Condition)          

(a) Mango shower                       

(b) Blossom shower                   

(c) Norwester                            

(d) Loo                                      

List-II (States)

(i) Kerala

(ii) West Bengal

(iii) Karnataka

(iv) Uttar Pradesh

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (a)- (i); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv)

(2) (a)-(iii); (b)-(ii); (c)-(i); (d)-(iv)

(3) (a)-(iv); (b)-(iii); (c)-(i); (d)-(ii)

(4) (a)-(iii); (b)-(i), (c)-(ii); (d)-(iv)

Answer: 4


Q.79. The proportion of areas under various crops at a point of time is known as

(1) crop combination

(2) cropping pattern

(3) crop concentration

(4) crop diversification

Answer: 2


Q.80. Match List-I with List-II


(Ocean Relief)

(a) Socotra-Chagos ridge

(b) Spitsbergen

(c) Mid-Atlantic ridge

(d) Cocos ridge



(i) Arctic Ocean

(ii) Indian Ocean

(iii) Atlantic Ocean

(iv) Pacific Ocean

Choose the correct option from those given below:

(1). (a)- (i); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv)

(2). (a)-(ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(i)

(3). (a)-(iv); (b)-(iii); (c)-(i); (d)-(ii)

(4). (a)-(ii); (b)-(i), (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv)

Answer: 4


Q.81. Which of the following data formats in GIS is compatible with satellite images?

(1) CAD data format

(2) DLG data format

(3) Vector data format

(4) Raster data format

Answer: 4


Q.82. Which of the following groups of countries is the participant member of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation?

(1) Sri Lanka – Malaysia – Pakistan

(2) India – Bhutan – Mauritius

(3) Bangladesh – Mozambique – Maldives

(4) Afghanistan – Bhutan – Maldvies

Answer: 4


Q.83. What is the transition zone between two ecosystems known as?

(1) Ecotone

(2) Ecotype

(3) Biotope

(4) Biome

Answer: 1


Q.84. Which one of the following is a meteorological hazard?

(1) Flood

(2) Land slide

(3) Avalanche

(4) Cloud burst

Answer: 4


Q.85. Which one of the following is not matched correctly?

(1) M.T. Sadler : Economic Theories of Population Growth

(2) W.C. Plowden : Census of India

(3) F.W. Notestein : Demographic Transition

(4) E.G. Ravenstein : Laws of Migration

Answer: 1


Q.86. Which one of the following is the basis of Thornthwaite’s classification of climates?

(1). Precipitation effectiveness and thermal efficiency

(2). World distribution of natural vegetation

(3). Distribution of land and waterbodies

(4). Movement of air masses

Answer: 1


Q.87. The graph used to show the proportion of surface area representing elevation above or below datum is

(1) Altimetric curve

(2) Fluviometric curve

(3) Morphometric curve

(4) Hypsometric curve

Answer: 4


Q.88. Read the following statements given below:

(a) The 2011 census shows marginal increase in population growth rate since 2001 in India.

(b) The absolute increase in urban population exceeded the absolute increase in rural population in India.

(c) The sex ratio has decreased 2011 census from 2001.

(d) The literacy rate has improved in 2011 census since 2001.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(1) (a) and (c) are true

(2) (c) and (d) are true

(3) (a), (c) and (d) are true

(4) (b) and (c) are true

Answer: 4


Q.89. Mount St. Helens is located in which part of the world?

(1) USA

(2) Java Sea

(3) Adaman Sea

(4) Aegean Sea

Answer: 1


Q.90. Which of the following is a mathematical curve that shows a visual extent of departure for any given distribution?

(1) Logistic curve

(2) Less than ogive curve

(3) Greater than ogive curve

(4) Lorenz curve

Answer: 4


Q.91. which of the following statements are true?

(a) The correlation is dependent on the choice of both origin and scale observations.

(b) The correlation coefficient is dependent on the units of measurements

(c) The coefficient of correlation is the square root of the coefficient of determination

(d) The zero value of correlation coefficient cannot estimate the value of dependent variable.


(1). (a) and (b) are true

(2). (a), (b) and (c) are true

(3). (c) and (d) are true

(4). Only (d) is true

Answer: 3


Q.92. Who among the following geographers was pioneer of branching Geography into two, general or universal and special or particular?

(1) Richthofen

(2) Varenius

(3) Ritter

(4) Humboldt

Answer: 2


Q.93. Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Water Falls)                                

(a) Jog Prapat                                

(b) Dudh Sagar                             

(c) Shiva Samudram                    

(d) Duduma           

List-II (Name of the River)

(i) Cauvery

(ii) Machkund

(iii) Mandori

(iv) Sharavati

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (a)- (i); (b)-(iv); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iii)

(2) (a)-(i); (b)-(iii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(ii)

(3) (a)-(iv); (b)-(i); (c)-(iii); (d)-(ii)

(4) (a)-(iii); (b)-(i), (c)-(iv); (d)-(ii)

Answer: 3


Q.94. According to A. Pred, the location of an industry is closely associated with which among the following approaches?

(1) Least cost approach

(2) Profit maximising approach

(3) Ecological approach

(4) Behavioural approach

Answer: 4


Q.95. Which of the following features hinders the social process of assimilation

(1) The stages of development of society

(2) Social activities

(3) Intimate social contacts

(4) Amalgamation

Answer: 1


Q.96. Which one of the following factors does not promote the formation of Federal State?

(1) Vast area

(2) Homogenous population

(3) Odd shape

(4) Presence of several core areas

Answer: 2


Q.97. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): The Indo-Gangetic plain is one of the densely populated regions of the world.

Reason (R): The Indo-Gangetic plain has fertile land and abundance of water.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(1). Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(2). Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(3). (A) is true, but (R) is false

(4). (A) is false, but (R) is true

Answer: 1



Q.98. Read the following statements given below:

(a) The Bhangar soils are older alluvium

(b) The Bhangar soils are frequently inundated

(c) The Bhangar soils are rich in concentration and nodules

(d) The drier areas of Bhangar soils exhibitsaline and alkaline efflorescence

Select the correct option:

(1). (a) and (c) are true

(2). (a) and (d) are true

(3). (a), (c) and (d) are true

(4). (a) (b) and (d) are true

Answer: 3


Q.99. Who among the following provided a philosophical foundation for Geography as a field of scientific enterprise?

(1) Bernhardus Varenius

(2) Nicolaus Copernicus

(3) Immanuel Kant

(4) Kepler

Answer: 3


Q.100. Which among the following is an example of Quaternaries activities?

(1) Construction

(2) Sericulture                                                   

(3) Retail and wholesale trade

(4) Manufacturing

Answer: 3


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