Keywords: July 2016 paper 2 geography question paper, July 2016 paper 2 geography question paper, July 2016 paper 2 geography question paper, July 2016 paper 2 geography question paper, July 2016 paper 2 geography question paper, July 2016 paper 2 geography question paper, July 2016 paper 2 geography question paper, July 2016 paper 2 geography question paper, July 2016 paper 2 geography question paper, July 2016 paper 2 geography question paper, JULY 2016 Geography paper 2 question paper, paper 2 geography july 2016 official question paper, solved question paper july 2016 with answer key, NET paper 2 geography july 2016.

So, This is the official Questions Paper  and Answer Key for the paper 2 geography conducted on July 2016, taken from www.cbsenet.nic.in

Note: This paper contains fifty (50) multiple choice questions, each questions carrying two (2) marks. Attempt all of them.

(PDF) For download pdf file of question paper go to the bottom of this post.


Q.1. Normal Cycle of Erosion is associated with

(1) Glacial Erosion

(2) Fluvial Erosion

(3) Marine Erosion

(4) Wind Erosion

Answer: 2


Q.2. The Drainage pattern which is not controlled by the parent structure on which it flows is termed as

(1) Consequent

(2) Subsequent

(3) Insequent

(4) Resequent

Answer: 3


Q.3. The term “Swash” refers to

(1) Backward movement of sea water at the beach after the breaking of a wave.

(2) Oblique movement of sea water at the beach after the breaking of a wave.

(3) Forward movement of sea water up the beach after the breaking of a wave.

(4) Sideward movement of sea water up the beach after the breaking of a wave.

Answer: 3


Q.4. Which one of the following is not a glacio-fluvial depositional feature?

(1) Drumlin

(2) Esker

(3) Horn

(4) Kame

Answer: 3


Q.5. The unconsolidated rock material deposited by surface wash at the base of a cliff is called

(1) Alluvium

(2) Colluvium

(3) Moraines

(4) Silt

Answer: 2


Q.6. Which one of the following represents a source of atmospheric energy?

(1) Infrared radiation emitted downward from clouds

(2) Visible radiation scattered upward into the space

(3) Latent heat released

(4) Albedo of the earth and the atmosphere

Answer: 3


Q.7. Which one of the following processes is important for the formation of lightning in a developing cloud?

(1) Absorption of solar cosmic rays

(2) Small laps rate

(3) Strong vertical air currents

(4) Heavy rainfall

Answer: 3


Q.8. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and other labeled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below:

Assertion (A): Land surface is heated more quickly and to a greater extent than the water surface when subjected to equal amount of inslation

Reason (R): The land is opaque while water is transparent to solar radiation.


(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is false.

Answer: 1


Q.9. Which one of the ‘C’ types of climate receives the bulk of its precipitation during the cold season?

(1) Cfa

(2) Cs

(3) Cwa

(4) Cfc

Answer: 2


Q.10. Which one of the following statement is not true about the Coriolis force?

(1) It is the effect of earth’s rotation.

(2) It is maximum over polar region.

(3) It is directly related to frictional force.

(4) It is proportional to wind speed.

Answer: 4


Q.11. Identify the correct statement pertaining to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from the floor of Atlantic Ocean among the following:

(1) Almost 3 km above

(2) Almost 4 km above

(3) Almost 5 km above

(4) Almost 6 km above

Answer: 1


Q.12. The coral reefs that are generally found attached to the shor with an intervening shallow Channel or a lagoon is called

(1) Barrier reef

(2) Patch reef

(3) Ribbon reef

(4) Fringing reef

Answer: 4


Q.13. If Kyoto protocol is for Carbon-di-oxide then Montreal protocol is for

(1) Methane

(2) Chlorofluorocarbons

(3) Carbon-di-oxide

(4) Ozone

Answer: 2


Q.14. Identify the correct statement regarding variation in density of ocean water and air at the same temperature.

(1) Ocean water is 800 times more denser than air.

(2) Ocean water is 600 times more denser than air.

(3) Ocean water is 400 times more denser than air.

(4) Ocean water is 200 times more denser than air.

Answer: 1


Q.15. Which one of the following bays has the highest tides in the world?

(1) Bay of Bengal

(2) Hudson Bay

(3) Bay of Fundy

(4) Bay of Khambat

Answer: 3


Q.16. Who among the following pleaded that “history be treated geographically and geography be treated historically”?

(1) Holmes

(2) Herodotus

(3) Hecate us

(4) Thales of Militus

Answer: 2


Q.17. Which one of the following is the philosophical basis of Quantitative revolution?

(1) Positivism

(2) Existentialism

(3) Idealism

(4) Probabalism

Answer: 1


Q.18. The statement that “Egypt is the gift of the river Nile” is attributed to

(1) Aristotle

(2) Strabo

(3) Herodotus

(4) Seneca

Answer: 3


Q.19. Who among the following scholars made corrections to Ptolemy’s Book?

(1) Al-Masudi

(2) Al-Idrisi

(3) AI-BAruni

(4) Ibn-Khaldun

Answer: 2


Q.20. Who among the following developed the concept of ‘Mental Map’?

(1) Downs and Stea

(2) Saarinen

(3) Gould and White

(4) Boulding and Haggerstrand

Answer: 3


Q.21. Match List –I with List –II and select the correct answer using the codes given below: (UGC NET JULY 2016)

List-I (Concepts)

(I) Continuum of urban Sizes

(II) Losch Model

(III) Urban Hierarchy

(IV) Primate City

List – II (Definitions)

(A) Group of towns of decreasing but approximately equal size and importance

(B) Relationship between the largest city and second largest city

(C) Various hexagonal systems operate at different levels and are superimposed on each other

(D) Gradual and continuous decrease of urban population size with descending rank


(1) D C A B
(2) B A C D
(3) C B D A
(4) A D B C

Answer: 1


Q.22. Which one of the following authors used the formula  dx = do e –bx where, dx represents. Population density (d) at a distance x form the city centre, do the centre density, e an exponent of distance and b the density gradient, to describe the pattern of population density in any city?

(1) C. Clark

(2) B.J.L. Berry

(3) J.W. Simmonds

(4) W. Isard

Answer: 1


Q.23. Which one of the following figures of total population of India (Census 2011) is correct?

(1) 1,21,08,54,977

(2) 1,21,04,74,877

(3) 1,21,03,64,957

(4) 1,21,05,44,777

Answer: 1


Q.24. The rapid growth phase of India population was lying between of the following time perods?

(1) 1901-1921

(2) 1921 – 1951

(3) 1951-1981

(4) 1981 – 2001

Answer: 3


Q.25. The second doubling period of world’s human population was between which of the following time slabs?

(1) 1650- 1850

(2) 1750 – 1950

(3) 1850 – 1930

(4) 1850 – 1950

Answer: 3


Q.26. Which one of the following agricultural geographic approaches is correct to study crop-diversification?

(1) Commodity

(2) Systematic

(3) Regional

(4) Behavioural

Answer: 3


Q.27 Which one of the following soils is commonly known as ‘self-mulching soil’?

(1) Grey Soil

(2) Red Soil

(3) Brown Soil

(4) Black Soil

Answer: 4


Q.28. The concept of liner market price boundary between the market area of two competing firms was given by

(1) A. Weber

(2) T. Palander

(3) E. Hoover

(4) A. Losch

Answer: 2


Q.29. Which one of the following factors is not a reason for government to concentrate on transport policies?

(1) Social

(2) Economic

(3) Cultural

(4) Political

Answer: 3


Q.30. Which one of the following industries is called as heavy engineering industry?

(1) Heavy Electricals

(2) Heavy Machinery

(3) Glass

(4) Iron and Steel

Answer: 2


Q.31. Who among the following gave the concept of Rimland Theory?

(1) Ratzel

(2) Spykman

(3) Griffith Taylor

(4) Mackinder

Answer: 2


Q.32. How many major human races were identified by Griffith Taylor?

(1) 3

(2) 4

(3) 5

(4) 6

Answer: 3


Q.33. In which year Mackinder again demarcated the world island including Africa?

(1) 1922

(2) 1925

(3) 1919

(4) 1917

Answer: 3


Q.34. The Red Indians or the American Indian belongs to

(1) Caucasoid Race

(2) Mongoloid Race

(3) Austraoloid Race

(4) Negrito Race

Answer: 2


Q.35. Which one of the following terms denotes the net population increase of towns and cities?

(1) Urban Growth

(2) Population Growth

(3) Urbanisation

(4) Urban Area

Answer: 1


Q.36. Which one of the following processes is not associated with planning?

(1) Perception

(2) Revelation

(3) Preparation

(4) Evolution

Answer: 4


Q.37. Who is regarded as the father or Regional Science?

(1) Louis Lefeber

(2) Walter Isard

(3) Harvey S. Perloff

(4) john M. Cumberland

Answer: 2


Q.38. Which one of the following scholars believed that “every deliberate action must start in the mind, the realm of thought. It must be conceived and rehearsed in the realm of thought before it can take place in the physical…..”

(1) Lewis Mumford

(2) Patrick Geddes

(3) Chadwich

(4) Benton MacKaye

Answer: 4


Q.39. The surveys that are conducted to identify deteriorated or deficient area in development Are termed as

(1) Socio-economic surveys

(2) Structural surveys

(3) Environmental Quality surveys

(4) Diagnostic surveys

Answer: 4


Q.40. The largest milk product state of India is

(1) Gujarat

(2) Punjab

(3) Uttar Pradesh

(4) Rajasthan

Answer: 3


Q.41. Which one of following groups of state accounts for about 90% of the annual coal production in India?

(1) Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal

(2) Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu

(3) Jharkhand, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh

(4) Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal

Answer: 4


Q.42. In which of the following years, India became the 7th largest manufacturer of vehicles in the world?

(1) 2007

(2) 2008

(3) 2009

(4) 2010

Answer: 3


Q.43. Given below are two statement, one labelled as assertion (A) and other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below:

Assertion (A): Wheat producing area confine to sub-humid and semi-arial India

Reason (R): This crop does not require plenty of stagnant water


(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A)

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: 2


Q.44. In which state of India Subansiri Hydropower project is located?

(1) Manipur

(2) Meghalaya

(3) Arunachal Pradesh

(4) Tamil Nadu

Answer: 3


Q.45. Which one of the following software is not a GIS software?

(1) AutoCAD

(2) Map Info


(4) Arc view

Answer: 1


Q.46. Match List – I with List –II and select the correct answer using the codes given below: (UGC NET JULY 2016)

List – I (R.F) 

(I) 1: 2,50,000

(II) 1: 50,00,000

(III)1: 25,000

(IV) 1: 4,000

List – II (Level of Scale)

(A) Cadastral

(B) Large

(C) Medium

(D) Small


(1) C D A B
(2) C A B D
(3) A B C D
(4) C D B A

Answer: 4


Q.47. Which one of the following areal extent is represented by an area bounded by a square of

3 cm × 3 cm on a 1 : 50,000 scale topographical sheet ?

(1) 9.00 km2

(2) 1.00 km2

(3) 3.20 km2

(4) 2.25 km2

Answer: 4


Q.48. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below:

Assertion (A): Change detection in remote sensing is the process of identifying differences in the state of an object or phenomenon

Reason (R): The use of GIS facilitates for digital change detection


(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: 2


Q.49. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer using the codes given (UGC NET JULY 2016)

List – I (Scholars)  

(I) Seversky, A.N.P.

(II) Mackinder

(III) Spykman, N.J.

(IV) Mahan, A.T.

List – II (Global strategic views)

(A) Sea power

(B) Rimland theory

(C) Air power

(D) Land power


(1) A B C D
(2) C D B A
(3) B A D C
(4) D C A B

Answer: 2


Q.50. The scale on the aerial photography is variable on account of which of the following?

(1) Shadows of the objects

(2) Texture of the objects

(3) Relief of the ground

(4) Shadows and relief both

Answer: 3


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